Greys academy podcast

A Podcast for people who got their medical degree from Shonda Rhimes.

Kelcey, a Grey's Anatomy expert, and Carmen, a Grey's Anatomy rookie, watch every episode of the show from season 1 episode 1. Every episode is full of thoughts, predictions, rankings, and reviews. Listen along on this journey as your favorite episodes are revisited!

Your New Favorite Resident Podcast 

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Our podcast is available on all platforms! We release NEW episodes every Thursday!

Doctoral Reviews

  • Lea

    As someone who has watched this series

    over and over again, it has been so great

    to listen to Kelcey and Carmen give their

    thoughts and views on each episode! I

    have learned so many fun facts from

    Kelcey about the show that I hadn't

    known even after all these years of

    watching. I eagerly await for the

    Thursdav drop each week to hear

    Carmen's reaction to classic Greys

    moments and the "living in Shondaland"

    ingle. It's a beautiful day to listen to this


  • Brianna

    If you are a Grey’s fan this is the podcast

    for you! A super fun re-watch podcast!

    These two hosts provide a great quirky

    perspective on the series and dish a

    hilarious commentary! One host has

    seen the show countless times and the

    other must have recently moved to

    daylight from under a rock because he

    has no knowledge of the series! No

    spoilers here!! So grateful to have

    happened upon this podcast when I did

    and I look forward to many seasons to


  • SRB

    I absolutely love this pod. The hosts just

    feel like your friends and we're all reliving

    this crazy show together. It's so fun

    listening to someone experience it for

    the first time. The banter between Kelcey

    and Carmen is infectious. Have had

    many laugh out loud moments when

    listening. Highly recommend!